Working Bee

Workshop and Publication Launch | Marnie Slater | 2023-10-18 | 9:30 - 12:30 | K.03.09, third floor, Sint Lucas Antwerpen, Van Schoonbekestraat 143, 2018 Antwerpen
Working Bee

This workshop will introduce participants to the “working bee,” an organizing tool for collective making, and create a participatory moment within the final stage in my current research project. The one-year research project focusses on tools and strategies for queer, feminist and anti-racist collaboration in and beyond the art field.

During the workshop, I will share my experiences with working bees and then together we will activate this tool to collectively experiment with techniques for binding a zine on tools and strategies for collaboration. While we work together, we will take the time to informally meet each other and exchange our experiences with self-organizing. The zine, called “Tools #0,” will mark the end of my one-year research project and this workshop will serve as a participatory zine launch. Participants are welcome to take a copy of the zine at the end of the workshop.

The workshop will be held in chosen mixity. This means it is open for anyone (students, staff and public) who identifies as queer and/or feminist. Subscribe: